Faculty’s Talent Work Show
18th May marked the 14th anniversary of the founding of Anqing Foreign Language School. In order to present gifts for the school anniversary, Anqing Foreign Language School held the faculty members’ talent work show at the entrance hall of the administrative building. The work exhibition lasted from 14th to 19th, May.
We received 83 pieces of work in total owing to the substantial support of school leaders and each department, the meticulous organization of the school union as well as the active participation of all the teaching and administrative staff. The creative works had the characteristic of rich themes, various forms and were divided into six categories: painting and calligraphy, paper art, embroidery art, knitting, handcraft and others, which included splashed-ink landscape, free flowing style of writing and the passion towards Anqing Foreign Language School. All the works fully demonstrated the creators’ profound love of Anqing Foreign Language School, ardent love towards life and their exploration of art as well. After the appraisal of the review team, we selected 5 first prizes, 17 second awards, 50 third prizes and 11 participation awards.
All in all, the faculty members’ talent work show won unanimous praise from all the teachers and students. It showcased our staff’s favorable mental outlook to love beauty, pursue beauty, and create beauty, which added gorgeous colors to the campus culture. Furthermore, this fascinating event not only displayed the individual elegant demeanor of Anqing Foreign Language School’s teaching and administrative staff who were intelligent, hardworking and conscientious, but also built a cozy and harmonious campus culture, which played a positive role in promoting the construction of campus culture.








